Customer Service Contacts


How to contact Coolblue customer service in Belgium?


Telephone number

Direct email address

Online contact form

Social Media



Physical Address

Write a letter to the headquarter:

Borsbeeksebrug 28 2600 Berchem


Telenet Group Holding NV, through its subsidiaries, provides media and communication services in Belgium.

5.0 (486 reviews)

Most popular in Belgium


About Coolblue in Belgium


Coolblue Belgium is part of the Dutch e-commerce company Coolblue, known for its wide range of electronics, appliances, and tech products. Operating both online and through physical stores in Belgium, Coolblue offers products across various categories, including laptops, smartphones, home appliances, and more. The company is recognized for its exceptional customer service, fast delivery, and user-friendly shopping experience. Coolblue also provides detailed product information, reviews, and expert advice, making it a popular choice among tech-savvy consumers.

Top 5 questions people contact this company for

  1. How can I track my order and check delivery status?
  2. What is the return or exchange policy for purchased products?
  3. How do I schedule installation services for large appliances?
  4. How can I get product advice or technical support?
  5. What are the payment options available for online purchases?

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