Customer Service Contacts


How to contact Unifi customer service in Malaysia?


Telephone number

Direct email address

Online contact form

Social Media



Physical Address

Write a letter to the headquarter:

Menara TM, Jalan Pantai Baharu, 50672 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Most popular in Malaysia

About Unifi in Malaysia


Unifi is a leading broadband service provider in Malaysia, under Telekom Malaysia (TM), offering high-speed internet, IPTV, and voice services to both residential and business customers. Known for its extensive fiber optic network, Unifi delivers reliable and fast internet connections across the country. The company also provides digital solutions, including mobile services and smart home products. Unifi is committed to enhancing the digital lifestyle of Malaysians by offering innovative, customer-centric services that cater to the diverse needs of modern households and businesses.

Top 5 questions people contact this company for

  1. How can I troubleshoot my Unifi internet connection issues?
  2. What are the available Unifi broadband plans and pricing?
  3. How do I pay my Unifi bill or check my account balance?
  4. How can I upgrade or downgrade my Unifi service plan?
  5. What should I do if I experience issues with my Unifi TV service?

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