Nexmedia customer service number: call +62 1 500 639 in Indonesia

nexmedia logo indonesia

Say hello to the Nexmedia customer service!

Phone number:


Live chat:

Social media:


Telephone number

Want to call the Nexmedia customer care department in Indonesia

Make use of the call button below to get in contact with the Nexmedia callcenter:

The opening hours of the callcenter are: 8.00AM – 20.00PM


You can email the Nexmedia customer service team by clicking the button below and filling out the form.

Live chat

It’s  possible to chat live with the client service team. All you need to go is go to the Nexmedia homepage and click the chat button at the bottom of the homepage

Social media

You can send the Nexmedia support team a message on Facebook or Twitter:


It’s not advised to send a letter to the client service team. It would take you longer to get an answer.
If however you want to send a letter, please write it to the address below:

SCTV Tower – Senayan City Jl. Asia Afrika Lot 19, Jakarta 10270

Services that this company provides


We hope that we've helped you out

Johan Van Asch


Companies are so afraid for negative reactions and bad publicity. That’s why they’re often not present on social media or hide the contact details of their customer support team. With this total overview of all customer service teams and how to contact them, you have a one-stop-shop and can stop looking for the customer service telephone numbers and email addresses yourself.

Nick Van Ranst


Buying products & services online is easy. But having someone to help you out afterwards when problems start to occur, is more difficult. That’s why we said to ourselves: “Let’s become that someone and create a free guide that helps people to find all customer care departments”. So in a nutshell, we’re a helpdesk to find all other helpdesks 🙂 is not affiliated to or linked with the companies it writes about. This is an entirely independent website that wants to simplify making contact with all customer care departments.